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I offer this up for those people that are fans. This was at the Motor Museum in Beaulieu. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang is 50 years old this year. Below are photos of various memorabilia from the movie. There were two cars from the movie as well.

The Flying Car

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Ian Fleming of James Bond fame, wrote the original childrens book.

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A non-flying version, unless it drives off a cliff.

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The Lord Scrumptious' car.

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The Car Truly Scrumptious drove, a 1909 Humber 8hp. Truly Scrumptious??? A Humber???? Chitty Chitty Bang Bang???? Yup, lots of adult content here.

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If you REALLY want to read all the history....

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The Humbug Major, making Toot Sweets. Not sure , but this sounds like adult content as well. Yes, this worked. Well, it moved and made noise.

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